Kelly Rose Pflug-Back

Kelly Rose Pflug-Back’s fiction, poetry, and essays have been published in a variety of publications and anthologies, such as Counterpunch, Huffington Post, Fifth Estate magazine, This Magazine, Briarpatch, Imaginarium Speculative Fiction, The Vancouver Media Co-op, CrimethInc and more, and her work has received awards and nominations from the Rhysling Foundation, the P.K. Page Irwin Foundation, and the Great Canadian Literary Hunt. Pflug-Back holds a Bachelors in Human Rights and Human Diversity from Wilfrid Laurier University and a Masters in Development Studies from York University, where she studied the relationship between resource extraction and colonialism. Her poetry chapbook, These Burning Streets, was published with Combustion Press in 2012. Pflug-Back lives in Toronto.

Books By Kelly Rose Pflug-Back